Certificate Course to become a professional storyteller

An extra-occupational seminar

The certificate course 2016
Ausbildung zum Goldmund Erzähler.pdf
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"As every art telling stories freely aloud starts with learning the basic craft,  which becomes a masterpiece through its practise and an arts through adding love and creativity"  


(from the Präambel of the "Stiftung Erzählen")

Storytelling with children
Storytelling for grown-ups
Storytelling takes a lot of practice

Everyboby can tell stories. But well-trained storytellers make an adventure out of it! 


...if you want to make sure to learn the basic narrative tools well, then you should consider our certificate course to become a professional story teller.


Beeing a storyteller is arts and crafts - a challenge as colorful as a lawn in the summer.


with this certificate course you gift yourself a year full of fantasy, community, professional development and maybe a new profession.

A group of storytellers while creating heroes
Storytelling in the gardens

This certificate course is actually only offered in german / Germany!

still we have trained sucessfully many non-native-german speaking people from around the globe! If you are interested in this course and have some good knowledge in the german language, you can have a look here: -> Erzählausbildung


for more information, advice or registration, please contact us Tel: 089/484185 or -> Contact

Certification pictures of the courses from 1999 to 2013: